Workshop and Seminar
RCIQE International Seminar
- Past RCIQE Workshop and Seminar (2016, 2014,2012,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006,2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997)
RCIQE seminars in 2018
- June 26th: Visiting Prof. S. Chichibu (Tohoku University, Professor)
RCIQE seminars in 2017
- January 19th: Dr. Sato (Renesas Electronics Corporation)
- February 2nd: Visiting Prof. Y. Koide (NIMS, Administration officer, Professor)
- February 21st: Visiting Prof. T. Yanagida (Kyushu Univ.)
- February 27th: Visiting Prof. N. Hara (Fujitsu Laboratory, Senior Director)
- May 25th: Visiting Prof. H. Miyake (Mie Univ.)
- May 31st: Visiting Prof. M. Higashiwaki (Green ICT Device Advanced Development Center, NICT)
- June 1st: Visiting Prof. M. Higashiwaki (Green ICT Device Advanced Development Center, NICT)
- October 11th: Visiting Prof. M. Higashiwaki (Green ICT Device Advanced Development Center, NICT)
- October 12th: Visiting Prof. M. Higashiwaki (Green ICT Device Advanced Development Center, NICT)
- November 16th: Visiting Prof. M. Higashiwaki (Green ICT Device Advanced Development Center, NICT)
RCIQE seminars in 2016
- January 20th: Dr. S-J. Kim (NIMS)
- January 20th: Dr. M. Naruse (Ligthwave Devices Laboratory, NICT)
- January 21st: Visiting Prof. K. Hiruma
- February 29th: Prof. T. Matsumoto (Osaka Univ.)
- March 23rd: [1] Prof. Adrian M. Ionescu, EPFL, Switzerland, [2] Prof. S. Deleonibus, Fellow IEEE, Fellow Electrochemical Society [3]Porf. Kaustav Banerjee, University of California, Santa Barbara
- June 16th: Visiting Prof. Y. Koide (NIMS, Administration officer, Professor)
- July 19th: Visiting Prof. N. Hara (Fujitsu Laboratory, Senior Director)
- July 20th: Visiting Prof. N. Hara (Fujitsu Laboratory, Senior Director)
RCIQE seminars in 2015
- February 24th: Dr. Simon Deleonibus (Chief Scientist at CEA-LETI, Silicon Technologies & Components)
- May : Visiting Prof. T. Kachi (Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.)
- October 14th: Visiting Prof. T. Kachi (Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.)
- Decemnber 3rd: Visiting Prof. K. Hiruma
- Decemnber 17th: Visiting Prof. K. Hiruma
RCIQE seminars in 2014
- January 30th: Visiting Prof. A. Fujiwara (NTT Basic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation)
- January 31st: Visiting Prof. A. Fujiwara (NTT Basic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation)
- February 3rd: Dr. M. Naruse (Ligthwave Devices Laboratory, NICT)
- February 4th: Prof. Kaustav Banerjee (College of Engineering, UC Santa Barbara)
- February 4th: Prof. Shunri Oda (Quantum NanoElectronics Research Center, Tokyo Insitute of Technology )
- July 23rd: Visiting Prof. M. Hata (Sumitomo chemical)
- July 24th: Visiting Prof. M. Hata (Sumitomo chemical)
- July 28th: Visiting Prof. K. Uchida (Keio University)
- July 29th: Visiting Prof. K. Uchida (Keio University)